"Aspen Window Sculpture"
Private Collection
Not long ago a friend and collector asked me if I would be interested in doing something for their anniversary with an old kitchen window that was taken out of their kitchen reno. I said, sure, OF COURSE! At first she thought of painting the glass...aspen and leaves...and I still MAY do that, but she gave me an extra one and I was inspired to do something else...and this is how the window came about.

SO, I ended up with this composition for my "prototype" window to show my friend to see if she would like the idea. She wanted aspen trees, so I painted them in my fashion to resemble aspen. BUT, the big wonder was the leaves she wanted to represent the seasons...hmmmm...well, after some thought I found a wonderful stained glass artist named Kyle Schumucher with Blue Fish Studios on ETSY. He had some leaves that were seasonal, but all I had to do was ask and he fashioned an aspen leaf and made me a special order...and that solved THAT problem! He is a great guy to work with by the way...:) SO, more drilling and bending of wire and the final product came out...
It took a bit of figuring, but the end result is fun! At first I only had three leaves...and put it in MY window for photo...
I loved the effect, but it just needed more of Kyle's leaves! WHEW! Love the end, but not sure about doing lots of them...maybe something in a small frame?? LOVE THAT IDEA!!...stay tuned!!!
AND, I seldom do something JUST for me...the window was an means to an end...but my bathroom was in need of an angel painting to go with a print my son got me years ago and a beautiful sculpture I got that my friend who wanted the window made! Yep, I hang in creative circles! :) SO...just a quickie in the fashion of my other figures without faces...FUN DOINS!
The frame is an upcycled one I found at a thrift shop...with just the exact matt I needed!!
AND, that my friends is the story of me up to today!!
Good golly, Saundra. Your creativity knows no bounds and I am once again left in awe of your talents. Both pieces are absolutely amazing!
HA...Sometimes I think i have creative ADD...NOT to make light of those who suffer with it for real!! Just always moving from one project to another...Thanks Crimson Leaves!
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