I am fully aware that all of you understand the days of busy people...Being a busy person who just so happens to be an artist I'm here to tell ya what you already know..."It ain't easy being green (busy)!!" We get up early and have every intention of running into the studio to work, but on the way...there is a shower to be taken, SOMETHING to fix to eat or drink, picking up the family room from the night before...and WOW...some birds...gotta get a pic, and a new beautiful pic from a family member we must see and admire...and...and...and...YES, I'm aware that if I am INSTITUTIONALLY type A I would ignore everything and hop into the studio...but I admit, I'm a little distracted at times...but I do not worry as I think it makes me HUMAN! It's fun...so, this was my path today, and YES, I am working...check it out!
a bit of a Chickadee...distraction #1...ooohhh a cool painting idea...putting it on the list!

distraction #2
I woke up to snow...we weren't supposed to HAVE any snow and I have a Van Gogh show at the art museum to get to in the morning...pretty, but...aarrgghh...well, it's just a shower...so we shall see...

distraction #3
Hey...I'm not sure I'm seeing properly...it's SNOWING heavy...what IS that behind the snow falling and the trees...:)

distraction #4
and on the way to make hot tea after seeing the snow..."ooohhhh pretty thing I did in my bowl..."

#5, but I'm just calling him a sweetie
adorable pic of my sweetie pie holding the camera on his own...aaawwwhhhh...

distraction #6
Yep, checking on the mountain lion tracks...this is the reason I haven't gone out the last two nights...hubby out of town and me not wanting to be a human Popsicle for this guy that has been visiting about dusk and night time and early morning...sigh...hurry home hubby, I'm getting cabin fever...
and...yes...there is a painting on my board...this is just the top section and preliminary of this 30x20" commission...I got Breck in there as they love that place...you see the under papers and the beginnings of aspen in the background...some rocks...yep...this one has a ways to go, but I've been busy despite all my distractions...I PROMISE! Stay tuned!!
may you be happily distracted to inspiration!!