The last couple of days have been busy ones at the Galloway house. It is flower time! We've been planting pots and getting our deck in shape for those wonderful summer days and nights in the mountains. I wish I had more hours in the day to get all things done, but alas...not to be. So, I haven't had more than a couple of minutes here or there to work on my art! I love working with my hubby to plant, but I ache to get back to my studio.
I usually have a couple of things going at once. I get bored easily (probably why I love teaching middle school kids cuz I'm so much like em!) so I like a lot going on all at once. The top piece is the beginning of another aspen collage. I found this wonderful paper with colors and shapes that remind me of leaves, so it is the paper that is down so far. The rest is under painting. When I taught my last workshop on collage my students laughed at me as sometimes what I first put down was completely covered over by the end. I like it that way...I like the spontaneous aspects of collage. So, who knows what will show by the end of this piece. I'm considering making it a triptych, but I only have just so much of the aspen leaf looking paper, so we shall see...
The second piece is the beginnings of a beach scene I took while in Florida one year. It will also have papers in it, but for now you just see the beginning painting undercoat.
NOW, for the something for YOU. This is an idea I've wanted to follow through on for some time and I thought while I was at my moms next week I'd post a picture every day or so for you to take and paint in any way you might wish if you feel inspired by any photo's I put up. Of course we have the wonderful blog by Karen Jurick; Different Strokes From Different Folks and Dana Marie's blog, Inspiration All Around Us as the examples for this, so the idea isn't NEW, but it is NEW to me and this blog. The two bottom photos are for you to take and do with what you will if you feel so inclined. The only thing I ask is if you do something with them send me your finished work and I will only be so thrilled to post them! My e-mail address is: art4life44@hotmail.com . Make sure your images are clear so they will look their best. Have fun!