It has certainally been busy since I got home from Omaha and the baby world there...My feet hit the ground planning...whew!
I am currently reworking a 2'x4' piece titled "Colorado Aspen" as the varnish I had applied caused a film to settle over the dark areas of my work...AARRGGHH!, instead of tossing out this big ole piece I played with some solutions and I'm partly there...I removed the offending varnish and then applied molding paste to the areas of background to add some dimension...then I painted over it again...this time adding bits of sky color and darker blue among the purply black background next step will be to apply a few papers of green in strategic spots and then, after some research will add a new varnish to the surface. I haven't decided yet which to work with, but I highly suspect it will be a Golden product! Thanks to my art friends who have weighed in on the matter...Leilija Roy to name one...and we can't forget our good customer service people at Golden! I have decided to give this to my step son and his fiancee for a wedding gift.
The past couple of days have been busy ones in the old house...getting it cleaned up after my absence and the aftermath of the Summer Art Market so a collector could come up to see more work. Yes, she left with three pieces...I am thrilled and humbled that so much work has flown from my fingers in the past 10 days...and challenged as I now need to get busy to do more! FUN!
And, as it is the time of year, we woke early yesterday morning to a bear on our upper deck outside our bedroom...he/she was after the humming bird food my husband keeps out there...and yes, he/she got it!...I jumped up with camera in hand and caught him/her then trying to wrangle our barbeque to the ground...without thinking I pounded on the back door and yelled "don't you do it"...and, thankfully he/she didn't run at me, but ran sharing a peek through a very glassy'll have to squint and then a longing look as he/she was sad she/he didn't get her/his prize...and finally...the backside as he/she hightailed it up the mountain! There is never a dull moment around here!

Today I will be working on a few small pieces to add to a fun event called Market Dayz up at the shopping center next to the King Soopers on 285 this Saturday (yep, in two days)...we will be out in the parking lot or in the complex and the shops will be open, if you have a few minutes from 4-8...head on up! FUN DOINS!