The reason I went! My wonderful son and his biggest fan...MOM!

Had to sneak this little guy in...I loved the reflection!!

You knew I had to take pics of trees...in fact they are a large part of the 217 pictures I came home with...LOVE THOSE PALMS!!

When Jaws came out in the 70's I learned what I was most afraid of...SHARKS! I saw that movie some 20 times...have no clue why...This is the only shark I saw on our trip. It was in the lagoon in the Barefoot cafe on Paradise Point, the 44 acre resort we stayed at. I am quite in love with the way the palm trees are mirrored in the water...So, you have to look closely...cuz that shark is in there!!

The only painting I saw when I was there was a collage made of wood pieces behind the registration desk at Paradise Point. I found it fascinating. Inspiration is hitting me!!

My Christmas gift to my son this year was to complete his golf clubs and get him a bag. Not only is he a fantastic skater, but he's recently gotten interested in golf. As he says it...he has to have something to do when he is too old to skate! He hit over 200 balls that day as my husband taught him the finer points...I have to brag...he contacted every single ball, and hit them like a pro! He is definitely a natural! It was an amazing thing to watch!! Yep, that's my son!!

The day before we left we walked out on Pacific beach and stayed to see the sunset. It was overcast most days, so this was a cold and rather dark day on the beach...but I was amazed how the sky opened up and the rays came down...If you look closely you can see the sun shining on the horizon! As you know...it was much more beautiful than this...but I had to share!!

Part of the 44 acre resort of Paradise Point. I tell you the entire place was filled with green!! And BIRDS galore......Beautiful!!

I found the reflections of the palms quite interesting...

I call these bamboo trees the aspen of San Diego...These trees were over 20 feet tall!

I had to sneak a pic of my sweet husband and son together! Love those smiles!!

I love all that green behind me!!

This is a Hibiscus, right?? It was on a huge bush right in front of our bungalow...For all you flower lovers out there!!

I am laughing at this guy...there were TONS of birds out there...he just came up to me and looked at me...I'm sure expecting food...(all I had was mints)...but what a portrait!!

This cracked me up! the minute I saw these two it made me think of a couple who might be fussing a bit...Still in love, but each with his/her own viewpoint!!

I call this guy Boris Karloff. He was hanging out at the table next to ours for breakfast one morning. That big orange eye was staring at my eggs...At first I was a bit freaked out, but he was patient...just eying me the whole time. And yes...later on he got a very tiny piece of bread...I couldn't resist!!

No matter how I tried to take the waves they came out smaller than they were in real life...But how could I come back from the ocean without showing you at least one pic of waves!!

Ok...I found this funny. Every light it seemed had a line of birds...

Chilly and wet though it was the first thing I did was take off my shoes and lay down in that wet sand and take this pic! Yep...I painted my toes just for the occasion...this was planned! :)

Bird of Paradise...am I right?? They were EVERYWHERE out there...To me they look like alien birds...but are so beautiful!!
I have missed being able to blog for the last 5 days. It seems longer. As promised, today is a photo retrospective of our trip. As always, any photos I post are for anyone to use if they so choose. Long ago I got over my need to "hoard" pictures so that I could paint them...we all work differently, and I feel it is a wonderful thing to see anyone's interpretations! So, a gift from me! If any of you feel inspired enough to paint anything from these pics send them to my e-mail and I will put your name in twice for our next give-away!! I missed you all!! Glad to be back among you!! Happy Painting!! Now, back to my challenge of Molly!!