This is a difficult time for my family. If you've followed for long you will know that my father has been very ill. Up until a few months ago my dad was assistant attorney general in Oklahoma. He worked for many years with Leukemia, and it was under control. Last year he was diagnosed with Parkinson's but still he went to work every day...and then recently he was also diagnosed with Lymphoma. He is now fighting hard to do what ever can be done to try to shrink his tumor; which has grown to larger than a medicine ball! He's trying something called Proton therapy. It is a type of radiation that only uses protons to fight the tumor. It is a difficult process as he has to go every week day for 7 weeks. Hard for someone who doesn't even have the strength to get out of his hospital bed at home. My mom has been valiantly fighting with him, we kids have gone to help at times, but she is mainly doing it on her own. This is our last thing to try as we know...so the pressure is huge and I fight emotions that are all over the place from time to time...but mostly we just rely on God and what His decision is for each day and the future!
With Father's Day approaching I had been racking my brain as to what I could do for him this year...and then I decided to make a throw of soft material that could be draped over him as he goes back and forth and is in a rehab facility for awhile as mom doesn't have the physical strength to take care of him and get him back and forth. For my dad it couldn't be just any old throw, so I transferred photos of all of us to the throw so he would know his family was with him and covering him over with love and prayer. THIS is what I've been doing the past few days...These are just a few of the photos I've attached to his throw.
We artists all have lives aside from our work that come in to play now and then...and take precedence...this is one of those times for me in my life...I'm working on my art too...FOR SURE...when I get moments around the things that come with my dad's needs...we kids are all there for them, and have been in constant contact and doing this and that as we are able...For me it has been to call every day to check in, go when I could, and send little surprises that we are there for them and love them...
Between the calls and working on little projects I am re-working my abstract...it's all white right now, but I'm excited with the texture...you may have to click on this to see the detail...
I was talking to a friend who is an accomplished abstract artist and got some ideas...I'm excited to see what comes of THIS attempt! Stay tuned for that!
I am also preparing a pretty good size body of work to take to my newest gallery
Creations Arts and Gifts in Louisville, Co on Monday...There will be a good bit there, so if you are nearby and want to see some of my work in person that would be a good place to start!
AND, as I like to do, I've taken a few floral pics that I'm always glad to share if anyone needs an inspirational photo to jump off from...from my friends garden...for your pleasure!! ENJOY, and hopefully feel inspired!
Simple petunias, but a great composition and the dark up top is always great for contrast!...If you were to paint this make sure your highlights from the afternoon sun are strong against the background and it should be an awesome painting!!
This beautiful white iris is a great composition all on its own...add a little dark and some highlights (the sun wasn't shining on this beauty here, so you'll have to find some on your own...:)
I love the colors in this beautiful iris..but, again, no sunlight, so it will have to be added...but, a great composition all on by itself!!