"Among the Trees"
2'x2' mixed media on cradled MDF
$800 (plus $50 for shipping)

So, after a little tweaking here and there I am satisfied with the finished product; plus I found a more suitable name for this piece...You STILL have to look for the surprise elk, but once you find it...that is the focal point. Here is the yesterday version...see if you can find the little bit of leaf correction in both composition and toned down. I added a few to enhance the comp, and I put green and the turquoise over some of the yellow to tone it down a bit...and...I added a bit of the background color in highlights on the elk to help it be more a part of the whole...See if you can see the subtle, but important changes! I had fun with this...SO glad I added a bit and worried less about color...I will be entering this in a show in the next few days and should know if it gets in by December 1. After that I will release it for sale if it ends up staying home for the holidays!
Ah peaufiner c'est important!
Le résultat est là, magnifique... Cela mérite bien une pause maintenant!
Gros bisous
Martinealison...Je le dirai encore. ..your mots sont comme une chanson ! Merci pour tels commentaires inspirants !
Love the addition of the green in this piece. Truly beautiful, Saundra! Good luck with the competition!
Thankee Sherry!!
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