I am so impressed with those of you who have been able to keep up your regular schedule of work, and for some, even a higher volume of work during the holiday season here in the states! I find it hard to work like I want to with trips and then the catch up from the trips and then decorating and, and, and...Today I am posting a beginning of a painting I began before I left for San Diego. I have come back to it with different thoughts. I may do something different from the photo I took...maybe...FUN to get to decide...
I am almost finished with my personal challenge painting of my step son's dog Molly. It went so fast I didn't think to take pics in process...and now there is just a bit of fine tuning left...Hopefully I'll get to finish it this afternoon. For now I'm off to do a bit of cleaning for a friend who has had a horrible year! We all need to count our blessings...I am always humbled by those who have such trials but retain such wonderful attitudes about life.

And, alas...I had to share a pic of the beautiful sunrise I woke up to with part of our Christmas Tree in front...yet to be decorated...I think we need to start a movement to get more hours in the day during busy holiday times! HA.
Have a wonderful day to you all!!
I don't keep the regular schedule this time of year, but manage to do a few new paintings in between commissions and shipping. I start my shopping in the summer so at least I don't have that on my plate now.
I am interested to see the new ideas you have for the painting and the Molly peice completed.
Thanks Diana...I will hopefully finish Molly tomorrow and then post it...the unfinished one when I have about 20 free minutes! HA
I can't wait to hear of your stepson's reaction when he sees Molly's painting! In fact, I do so hope you will snap a photo of those two beautiful family members (both a delight for the eyes! LOL) This new piece is looking quite lovely. This is collaged thus far? It is looking to be a lovely and rocky outcropping so far. I cannot wait to see what you do with it!!
You do enjoy life. I love your enthusiasm about your son and am so glad you got to visit him. It looks to have been a fabulous trip.
Keep enjoying life and being grateful. You are an inspiration about how to live life as well as how to create.
Merry Christmas, Saundra!
Sherry, you are so wonderful! Thank you for always giving such happy thoughts for me!! I haven't collaged the rock piece...but that doesn't mean it won't have a bit before I am finished!!
Elizabeth, Thank you!! Yes...I am so proud of my boy and all he has been able to accomplish!! It was a great experience! I hope anything I can say to anyone can be a positive experience...thank you for being so kind!! Merry Christmas right back to you!!
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