I had to start somewhere after such a LONG absence from the old studio...so I finished a little piece I started WAY back before the holidays!! I used one of my techniques for edges that I am growing fond of...:) I added this little 5 7/8" x 9" acrylic canvas on panel to my website this morning. Felt good to just get anything completed!!
So, after selling one of my larger aspen paintings over the holidays I realized I needed to add to my on hand paintings, so I'm preparing to do a few. I think the first one will be a 30x24. I think I need to work large again for a little bit to keep that skill up as well! You know how it is...if you don't use it you loose it!!
I found a new gallery...just a baby...only been alive 3 weeks just right around the corner (well...around the corner in mountain terms) that I'm going to try to visit in hopes of showing work there in the future. This is another avenue I have totally neglected...so wish me luck...It is a contemporary gallery, but I think my collage aspen pieces might just fit in...The owner wants work that is reminiscent of this area. I don't know...but aspen just reaks of this area!! Any thoughts on my work as contemporary would be much appreciated!! I just love what I do, so it is almost funny to me that I struggle so in the marketing area...
Stay tuned as I am also getting ready to open an etsy shop. I will put my small works in as well as the other random items I am always doing to take a creative breather from my painting...
So, much on the horizon for this upcoming new year!! Also...another drawing for my one year anniversary as a blogger, which is January 11...More info on my next post...FUN STUFF FOLKS!! Happy upcoming NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!
This is a beautiful piece, Saundra. I love the rocks with the lone tree...just a beautiful image that highlights your beautiful part of the world. I hope I can invest in one of your large paintings at some point in this new year!
Autumn Leaves...Sherry...my loyal follower...I appreciate your comments more than I can express...For me, this year without much human contact, you and others have been my friends! I am truly blessed!!
Nice Works. I wish you continue in 2010. Good new year !
Thank you Masmoulin!
Wow! The rocks are spectacular, Saundra!
Good luck on the gallery investigation. If they're smart, they'll be interested!
Wow, Thanks Elizabeth...from you that is quite a compliment!!
Hi Saundra!
Thank you for visiting my blog and your very nice comment!
I love your artwork!!! I'm so happy that you visited me...so I had the chance to visit you! Your blog is wonderful and I look forward to your future work!
Have a wonderful New Year!
Thanks Deb! I really enjoy your work as well!! Stop by anytime!!
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