Sunday, July 31, 2011


Last night at Market Dayz wasn't profitable in a monetary sense, but a lot of FUN! Up here on the mountain it is like pulling teeth to get people interested in just about takes awhile to spread the word...but to go an support a group of businesses that are TRYING to bring out the people was a pleasure!  I've long been a proponent of supporting the arts in my own community, so I went.  I sat next to a group of circle drummers and guitarists that were playing their hearts out...I even jumped in their jam session with my voice (since that was the only instrument I had" and even sang a couple songs with them.  THAT was a blast!  

During all of this frivolity I was also able to complete my first in a group of 3 5"x5" mini that will be entered in a mini show that will be held at the famous Foothills Art Center in Golden in September.  ACORNS is number one.  I don't know what it is about these little nuts that brings me such joy to paint...but they do, so I did!  As you saw yesterday the background was begun with acrylic.  I then moved to adding paper and finished with a little molding paste (as Golden products calls their MODELING paste) a minor bit of stamping and then painted the nuts and two leaves with oil. This was completed on a gallery wrap canvas that I pained around...

Next in line will either be a sunflower or a pine cone...I'll just have to see what I'm in the mood for! :)


Saturday, July 30, 2011


Tonight I will be going up to Conifer to participate in their MARKET DAYZ at the Conifer Center as a support to the local merchants there.  I did this last month and have this one more left before BABY MONTH begins...August is mostly dedicated to my daughter and coming grandson which involves me jumping in the car at a moments notice to go meet my new grandson when he decides to come!...

Last month I just went and sat with my paintings up at Conifer...tonight I've decided to bring a little piece to work on while the festivities are going on...This is a 5"x5" gallery wrap canvas that will be another acorn piece when it is finished.  Should be FUN!

Last night hubby and I walked up the mountain a bit to enjoy the views and the wild raspberries that are growing rampant about the mountain...I'm not a raspberry person, but I did find this one beautiful orange lily that I brought home to love in my window!
Remember we can find inspiration literally EVERYWHERE!  Here's hoping this pic will give you a little inspiration!!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


"Queen Bee"
2'x2' mixed media on 13/4" panel 

FINALLY I had time to sit down and finish my bee painting for over my couch...when we move to a place where wall space is actually above my couch...You can see I added papers, painted the bee with acrylic and played with my stylized wings until I was happy with them.  I wanted them to be transparent like wings I sketched them in with several colors of paint and then applied a light wash of the blue over the area to give them that almost transparent look.

I think it will add just the amount of contemporary to my very traditional couch with not so traditional pillow fabric...I can still work in blues or warm colors for my "new" living room when we move, so I'm happy with that.  I think I'll paint the cradle sides black which will be in keeping with a contemporary look.  

You can see how I've applied stamping to the dark areas of the bee body to give a bit of implied texture and the slight wash over the wings to give them the look I was going for.

You may have to click on this pic to see the word BEE I've added above my queen bee...I started with cut out letters in newspaper and then worked to sand and paint over and other things to bring them back down where they are a mere hint of a word rather than the glaring word that would have competed with the subject matter...I rather like it...and since it is for me...knowing how I like adding words to some of my work it satisfied my taste.

I have to say it is a little harder working to create something that is for me...I played and practiced a lot...probably because I wasn't on a deadline...and I enjoy experimenting so much.

I am happy with the end result, we all know (if we are artists)...if something hangs in our home it is always subject to being pulled off the wall to add or take away as we get a whim...that is a joy!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


MY BEE..."DAY" 4 (I say DAY, but really...I get to spend an hour before I have to do something, is it REALLY a day...:))
This has been an interesting piece to do...First of all to PLAN to sand down areas was fun...second, I am not wanting to do a "realistic" depiction of a bee as they are scary and yucky to me in real life...SO, I played with the honey bee photos I have and came up with a simplified, stylized bee that wouldn't be scary every time I walk past it...and third...I am thinking of colors that would go in MY space...that is a little daunting as I want to stay true to my bee piece, but I need it to serve a purpose as a jumping off point for a new room...(So, that last one isn't that big a I am REALLY staying true to my bee...while I think about my whole room...tee hee)

I have interesting things to consider before I finish this piece...I COULD introduce another color that would change the feel...or, I COULD leave the palette as is...Right now I like the palette...BUT, I've been playing with orange and purple...not together...IF I add purple it will cool the background more and perhaps make the contrast with bee more prominent (I like contrast)...IF I add orange it will tip the scale a bit more to, I decided that before I added more paper I would paint the bee and then decide about the papers...I like that...SO, here she is today... and when I get back from delivering some things I will be back at it!  FUN DOINS!!


Monday, July 25, 2011

DAY THREE on tha BEE...

HARD to see...gotta look for tha bee...:)  I've put in a comparison of the two surfaces so you can see what I did...The first one was darker and had a LOT going on...but, it was to get the surface covered with color that I wanted...The second day was to go over the surface with a more neutral color and THEN a FUN PART...which was to take my hand sander to it.  I tried several photos but you can't see the subtle nuances of color from underneath showing through...sorry...and then, today was to play around with composition and I think I'm happy with the placement of the big ole bee...I've put a very much lightened pic below so you can see the sketch.
I just noticed that the before is on the right and the after is on the left, but you get the idea...Keeping so much color going would have fought with my subject matter...but don't worry...with strong black and yellow there will be PLENTY of color and contrast!
I had to really lighten this so you could see the stylized bee shape I decided to go with...I decided to leave it at the bottom left so strengthen composition...NOW TO PLAY WITH PAPER and see what happens...this is FUN!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I had to put the disclaimer in the I am so flattered, but I invariably get someone who says it's finished when I put the first step pic up...I LOVE ALL YOU ABSTRACT PEOPLE...however, you should know I just slap it on...THUS THE STEP ONE...This was merely a cleaning of my palette (mostly...I did specifically make sure the blue got in)...a beginning for the bee painting that it will change and grow from.  I find it quite satisfying to use up all my paint as a beginning for a new piece!!

So as not to leave you high and I was walking about last night I found the prettiest leaves...I plan to paint them, or incorporate them in are welcome also if you feel so inspired!

And, I've taken to calling this little guy my fox buddy...he will take naps when I'm outside...FUN!

Have a most wonderful Sunday!


Saturday, July 23, 2011


The past few days have been busy ones...I've been making cradles and traveling about looking at potential houses and preparing to paint something for our house...FUN DOINS! (as my most wonderful and creative son would say)...
This is Mt. Evans as seen from I25 on my way HOME from Ft. Collins where I went to see several houses...all of which were NOT what I would live in...It took an entire day to explore Ft. Collins...and after I finished I decided that we would focus on the Denver area just below our mountain home...sigh...A beautiful day...a necessary trip...but a WHOLE day without painting...however, I was THINKING about painting on my way to a from!

I enjoy making cradles, but I don't enjoy that it takes me from my easel...but, I can't complain too much as this gives me supports so I CAN work at my easel!
My next assignment is to do a 2'x2' of a bee, with my pillow from my new couch as inspiration...this should be FUN!

I also have a fun challenge from someone who stopped by my tent at Summer Art Market wanting a 48" x 18" piece much like


only using the Gore Mountains...FUN CHALLENGE!! to work I go!!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"Sunflower One"
5x5" mixed media on 1.5" gallery wrap canvas; painted around
SOLD...thanks Sydney!

If you remember yesterday; how cool it looked...and today, with the obvious addition of the very warm yellows and umbers it has changed totally...but still a soft little piece.


Monday, July 18, 2011


This is just in it's infancy...a new sunflower in process...A very small 5x5" on 1.5" gallery wrap canvas...There's a miniature show deadline coming up!! Right now it looks all cool in tone...but, just KNOWING the subject can see how that will change! 


Sunday, July 17, 2011


Today was the first day in awhile I could have done ANYTHING I commissions (although I'm VERY grateful I had them...)...just freedom...and my husband asked if I wanted to go on a hike.  At first I said I wanted to play with something with encaustic...but I thought about it...and he won...He's so could he NOT win!

So, we went on a hike above the house.  I didn't think it through very clearly as it was in the upper 90's and hot even up where we live...and, even though he said most of it would be in the shade I knew better...I mean, I've been on this hike before...ha...but I went anyway... I thought I'd share some pics...hopefully you will see something that inspires you in some way...or tickles you...:)

The first was this green butterfly I caught on this flower...I always forget what they are called...
oops...the clouds are building...
I LOVE, LOVE watching pine cones grow up!!
ooohhh...we are getting higher up...
Ok, at first this pic may seem so sweet...BUT, I caution you...we were at the top and all of a sudden we noticed that there were a gazillion lady bugs swarming around...and one landed on my leg and BIT me...YES, they BITE...whew...I just barely got out of there with my life!!
At the top it is so cool...on one side you see Denver...and on the other...
Yep...Mt. Evans!
For those of you who don't know...we mountain folk like to stack rocks and such for the next person to come along and add something...can you guess what I added...OH YES...I KNOW...obviously it is the last thing...but...a pine cone...IS THAT NOT ME???
I love oak leaves...I'm seeing a painting...
Guess who was following us down...yep...
PS...these were the clouds the night before...I just had to slip them in...

SO, the moral of the story is...if you have a choice...Pick you love...they deserve it...and you will feel happier...I can always paint tomorrow!!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


This past weekend my stepson Scott and his now beautiful wife Katie were married at the Bluefin resort in Minnesota a mere 50 miles from Canada!  Our family is growing!  The photographer is Carr Photography in Minnesota.  I've seen some of the photos and they are beautifully done...can't wait to get them so we can enlarge our picture wall at home!  Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Scott Galloway!!  HAPPY DAYS!!

The collector contacted me today about "Mt. Evans Panorama II" and they LOVE it, so will be coming up to my studio on Saturday to pick it up...another one happily gone to it's new home!
AND, as if that wasn't enough I am also thrilled to report that after 6 months of unemployment limbo we are now EMPLOYED!!  My husband will be working for his dream company starting next week! YEA and YIPPEE!!  Now life can move forward!  A big thank you to all of you who sent their well wishes and prayers our way...GOD IS GOOD!

Now we can begin packing and looking for that next spot to move to that will be a little less wild animal infested and isolated..whew...

AND...I'm already back at my easel working on a poppy piece commission and something that is just cuz I wanted to do it! FUN DOINS at the Galloway household!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


"Mt. Evans Panorama II"
18" x 48"
mixed media on cradled, stained panel

I hesitate to post this pic as I took it during a rainstorm.  It has been dark a good bit of the past 5 days here...with just moments of sun peeking artist can't wait forever!!  So, here it is...The collector asked for the same orange to be in the foreground that I had put in Arapahoe, of course I did that.  I enjoy all my paintings, but I find a special satisfaction in proving to myself that I didn't just accidentally create something...HA!

So, now it is on to the next commission...poppies in jewel tone colors...but...I might squeeze a piece of my own thinking in first! YEA!

I'm also happy to announce that I got three pieces in the upcoming NEW TRENDS show for Colorado Watercolor Society...will be shown in a gallery on Santa Fe in September...Come see these three in person!


Monday, July 11, 2011

IN PROCESS...still...

Yesterday between gullywashers I began to move across the support surface of my 18x48" cradled surface blocking in my commission of Mt. Evans.  There is a different thought process that wars with the creative side when working on a commission based on another piece I've done.  There is the need to reproduce what the collector found they loved that wars a bit with my creative side.  I want to do what they want, but at the same time give it a freshness that my creative brain needs to do.  I think for this piece it will be in the papers I lay in below this mountain.

I will work my way across this panorama and make sure it is faithfully rendered so as to be recognizable...and at the same time I will work my way down.  As you can see I've begun to block in color that will mostly be covered with paper...but there are those "moments" in the piece where the underpainting will show it it's freshness.

I usually lay my papers down quickly...just as I paint; which also helps to keep things exciting and fresh...THAT PART I hope to get to today amidst laundry and other things of life that go with a returning spouse from a trip...

So, off to get to it!  HAPPY CREATING!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


This is just the top right of the 18x48" commission Mt. Evans I've been working on.  Our skies are dark and cloudy as they have been the past week so all my photos are dark...sigh...For a dry climate we have sure had a ton of rain in the past few weeks!  We need the rain, but come on...the humidity is high and my hair is frizzy and I spend a good part of the day running about shutting windows and then opening them again when the showers pass...With three levels I am sure getting my exercise!

Along with trying to work on this large piece I've been fighting a battle with bears.  They seem to love our property...even our house. They have gotten into our deck box and emptied it all over the deck twice... I awoke the other day to big ole smudges and bear fur on my sliding glass, apparently now they are even trying to get inside.  When I caught myself singing a made up song titled "I'm a tasty treat" it really hit me that we need to move! I'm on it the minute we have a job...yep...still working on that's been 6 months...whew...come on ECONOMY!!

I did, however get a beautiful shot of our clouds of late last night...sort of describes how dark, yet beautiful things are around here...still!

Back to the easel...this thing won't paint itself!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011


"Aspen Patchwork"
my title

It is not my favorite thing to do to try to repeat something I've already done...but I do it on occasion for a collector.  I'm always glad to take care of the interests of my collectors if it doesn't take away from what I am as an artist...This one combines my love of paper and paint.  It is very similar to my "Aspen in Collage" done a couple years ago that an admirer saw and wanted but it is very close...but not exactly the same.  I added a subtle stamping of leaves in the background (don't think you can see it here) ...used some different papers in the leaves (the papers I used for leaves was discontinued)....but very similar.  Let's hope the collector likes it!

My next commission is another Mt. Evans Panorama that a couple wants for their anniversary.  They saw the original at the Summer Art Market, but this one sold as off I go to work my hopeful magic for them!...


© Saundra Lane Fine Art

All rights reserved. All work created is protected under copyright law and must not be reproduced without express permission of Saundra Lane Galloway


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