Last night at Market Dayz wasn't profitable in a monetary sense, but a lot of FUN! Up here on the mountain it is like pulling teeth to get people interested in just about takes awhile to spread the word...but to go an support a group of businesses that are TRYING to bring out the people was a pleasure! I've long been a proponent of supporting the arts in my own community, so I went. I sat next to a group of circle drummers and guitarists that were playing their hearts out...I even jumped in their jam session with my voice (since that was the only instrument I had" and even sang a couple songs with them. THAT was a blast!
During all of this frivolity I was also able to complete my first in a group of 3 5"x5" mini that will be entered in a mini show that will be held at the famous Foothills Art Center in Golden in September. ACORNS is number one. I don't know what it is about these little nuts that brings me such joy to paint...but they do, so I did! As you saw yesterday the background was begun with acrylic. I then moved to adding paper and finished with a little molding paste (as Golden products calls their MODELING paste) a minor bit of stamping and then painted the nuts and two leaves with oil. This was completed on a gallery wrap canvas that I pained around...