"Buster B" a bear
4x4" oil on textured panel
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I have been also working on bedroom curtains. I'm learning when I need to get a lot done I just take things one step at a time. I have a lot of e-mails from followers, asking how I do all I do...and that is the answer...one step, one day at a time! I work best when I have several projects going all at once...these curtains are a many step process...choosing fabrics AFTER I've decided colors, measuring many times, planning, sketching how I want them...etc...those of you that sew you know what I'm talking about...so, in between steps, I will escape to my studio to paint a little...I always have a few ideas ready, and supports ready...I may sketch and then go sew...then paint, then sew...It's all FUN, so I try not to get stressed...key word TRY! lol
I have finished one set of curtains for my bedroom. It was really hard to get a good photo as you can see they are backlit this morning...but I think you get the idea! I have to make these curtains just below the windowsill as there is an electric heating bank at the bottom. The rule of thumb for hanging curtains and a windowsill is about 2" below the sill.... I lined these curtains with fabric I found at the thrift store no less! What a find!
Our previous curtains were gathered on a rod with a valance in front. I always hated pulling them back and forth, so I designed these to hang from curtain rings for ease of opening and closing. I also decided to contemporize them a little and "build" the valance into the curtain so we just have one thing to slide open and closed...thus the 10" "valance" sewn into the curtain fabric. That is just step 1...if you look closely you can see black tie backs and holes in the wall...they all have to be either painted, filled or eliminated. I will wait to see how I want to do this. Those are steps 2 and 3 for just this window...THEN I begin the larger curtains that will span a sliding glass door. They will be made largely with the strip you see here with a front end of the floral fabric that makes the window curtains. AFTER that I will change what is on the walls (thank goodness I'm an artist) and add embellishments to our bedspread...paint a dresser and add a new lamp...STAY TUNED...It may take a bit, but it will be done! I'm playing around with painting all the woodwork white...I'd LOVE that...but we don't own this house, so I have to ask...not that our wonderful landlord will mind...he loves us...thank goodness!!
SO, the key to getting it all done? ORGANIZATION...I do it pretty good sometimes...SO, my next little ETSY is this adorably ugly, SO ugly he's cute Mocking bird baby...FUN DOINS!
this photo is compliments of my blogger friend Karen Hargett who graciously allows me to paint her critters...Isn't she a FANTASTIC photographer!!
I always love your animal babies and this little cub is no exception. I also can't wait to see the baby bird in paint!
thank you CrimsonLeaves!
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