"SunKissed" - Horse
oil on textured canvas panel
I have been working very steadily in the studio these past few weeks. I've been so engrossed in working that I haven't even stopped to post anything in awhile. This is a familiar activity for me as I approach SUMMER ART MARKET that is JUNE 7-8 this year. WHEW!
I'm happy that I've sold a good number of paintings recently, which makes me smile, but it also makes me double up on my efforts so I have plenty of new artwork to offer for this fun event!
I think I will be holding off putting the newest ETSY type work in ETSY for now so I can have a good inventory...UNLESS someone just HAS TO HAVE a piece and then, of course, softy me will try to work something out!! FUN DOINS!

Just a reminder of a couple of things that I've been asked about of late...
1. WHY Saundra; when your name is SAUNDRA GALLOWAY, do you sign your paintings LANE? GOOD QUESTION! Well, the answer is...my name, before I was married was Saundra Lane. SO, I signed my paintings with my last name...and, then I got married! I was then SAUNDRA LANE GALLOWAY. SO, instead of confusing those previous collectors, I just stuck with LANE as my signature.
2. WHY Saundra do you put the obvious after your title? ie. "SunKissed" - a horse. WELL, good question, again! The reason is because when people search the internet for certain things it is ALWAYS important to have the subject in the title so they can find it easier. IT ISN'T because I think people won't know it is a horse, or an ostrich, or a cow...lol But, I know you all knew that!