I found a new green! Well, it's not new, and I didn't find it (a friend gave it to me), but it IS new to me! Vivid Lime Green by Liquitex...such luminocity!! During a workshop I was teaching on collage I decided to add it in hopes it would seem as though the sun were filtering through the farthest recesses of the trees, and I think I accomplished it on some level. It was such fun to slap this new color on that I just had to invite you all to hop over to your local art supply store and pull a new color; one you haven't used before; off the shelves and give it a try...For me...the subject matter is one I dearly love as those of you who started with me know...and the pop of green made it even more fulfilling!
I have photographed this painting, "Forest in Green" with two cameras now and still Im not completely satisfied...but this one is the closest version of the truth. I decided on the photo I took in the sun (off to the right, thus the shadows on the left of the "paper" trees) so you could see the handmade papers that were added as trees in the foreground. Hopefully you can see a bit of the process; it was fast and loose and fun! I hope you are inspired to try a new color or technique or something...shake yourself up...it is an awesome experience!!