May 2, 2013 is the first scheduled class up here in our mountain escape home! For the spring, summer and as long as the weather allows I will be offering classes on different subjects! I am excited to be able to offer these classes for those who are looking to learn some new things in a beautiful setting! I am working hard to prepare our classroom in our above ground basement...It's coming along nicely! Photos of classroom coming soon!! HERE is the information on the first two classes and the basic structure of Lunch and Learn!
Lunch and Learn will be a series of art classes offered in our city escape mountain home just 8 miles

up 285 from C-470 between Morrison and Conifer, off of North Turkey Creek. (easy to follow map will be included when you sign up). The topics will be varied as those who want to learn have varied interests! And, as the title suggests LUNCH will be offered as well! So, take some time to escape the city and find your way to the Galloway house where a classroom is ready for
3-4 students (sometimes more depending on our activity) per class! Just think of all the individual attention you will get! Here is how it works...
CLASS - 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 - $30
LUNCH - $5 extra...IF YOU CHOOSE; OR you can bring your own! After lunch you can scoot home...OR
if you wish to stay for more individual instruction you can for only $5 per hour for up to 2 hours more. IT IS UP TO YOU!! Most classes will be held on
Tuesday's or Thursday's, with
one Saturday class offering a month. This is the best way I can make sure that as many as want to learn and enjoy working with fellow art lovers can have an opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity!
CLASS #1 - MAY 7, 2013 (Tuesday) - ABSTRACT BEGINNINGS
If you've always wanted to try work in abstract but didn't know how to start, this workshop is for YOU! We will explore two ways to begin an abstract with focus on good composition using line and shape; the foundation for any good artwork! You will leave with at least one finished painting, along with informative handouts - ALWAYS handouts!!...and if you work faster, you just may get two pieces completed!
LUNCH MENU for this first class is: Mini Quiche, Salad, Drink and Yummy Dessert!
** Paint, brushes (smallish round and flat), containers to hold liquids, paper towels; basically (bring the medium you are most comfortable with and all that goes with it)
** Sketch pad or paper to sketch on
** 3-4 5x7"ish pieces of EITHER watercolor paper (140lb is fine), OR matt board (white or tan), OR Bristol board, OR gesso'd mdf panel, OR any support you feel comfortable with. Smooth surface is optimal, but not required. IF you prefer square compositions, 6"x6"ish is great also!
** a few papers (5x7"ish or 6"x6"ish) in color combo you like with light, medium and dark values included in your little pile. (these can be bought {scrapbook paper is great} or made, or magazine pages etc.)
** Mod Podge, OR acrylic medium, OR any gluing agent you like. Matte.
**Small sponge brush; 1"ish
I'm glad to share from my materials if you find you didn't bring what you wanted no worries...just, if you use lots...maybe throw a couple $'s my way to replenish! :)
things you may see up here on our 5 acre property!!...getting excited??
This class is an exploration of mixed media in abstract. We will explore several methods and techniques using various media like paper, paint, stamping, texture and possibly ephemera; all with the goal of completing a finished abstract painting. Composition, balance, value and a bit of color theory (painless and fun) will be discussed as we work in order to end up with a successful abstract painting!
These methods can also be used if you wish to just include abstract concepts as a background for more realistic subject matter. (this is how I work most often, so you can look at my work to get an idea of how I approach backgrounds)
LUNCH MENU - Chicken Enchilada Pasta (with Green Enchilada sauce), Salad, Bread, Drink, and YUMMY DESSERT (I always save that for a surprise!)
** Paint –
acrylic or watercolor (if you decide to create on a piece of watercolor paper
or canvas that is treated to accept watercolor) and all the “stuffing” that
goes with your chosen medium…ie…brushes, containers, paper towels, etc…
**a variety of
your favorite colors/patterns of paper…these can be scrapbook paper, your
made papers, magazine pages with colors you like…I always like a variety of
darker and lighter values. You only need
3-5 different papers…not a whole store! J
You can also bring any words…pages from old books, etc, or maps, old sewing
patterns…you get the picture…J
can be watercolor paper, canvas, MDF board, even Matt board. Keep your sizes
rather small…8x10, 8x8…something manageable so you learn the concepts and have
time to finish…however if you work at lightning speed bring what you are
comfortable with!
**Modeling paste,
OR Custom Patch from Home Depot…something for texture
**Palette knife,
or some sort of spreading tool for your paste
**Acrylic Medium,
Mod Podge…a gluing agent you are comfortable with. I use Golden Soft Gel Medium, Matte…but you
bring what you want!
**Sponge Brush
**sketch pad
or paper and pencil
BRADS, NAILS, EPHEMEREA OBJECTS, yarn, raffia…you may or may not use them…but
it can’t hurt to have them on hand…again, you don’t need much as your support
isn’t that big!!
NOTE: you can also bring any favorite stamps or
stencils…I have a large collection I don’t mind sharing if you want to leave
all that at home!!
PS...the Saturday class offering will be
MAY 18, 2013...STAMP MAKING. I've begun to add a buy now button for classes so I can get a solid idea of who is coming and you can reserve your spot. To sign up for this class follow this link.
IF you are interested in registering for these two classes, first come first served is my motto...If they fill up I will contact you about possible optional days! You can e-mail me at and leave a message telling me which class you are interested in...I will get back to you A.S.A.P!
PAYMENT (for the first two) is when you come to class and decide how much time you want to spend...(I can take cash, check, and even credit card Visa, Master Card)
HOWEVER, I DO need you to let me know when you register if you want the lunch I prepare so I know how much to cook! :)
If you aren't convinced about the beauty you will find up here yet...the calm and fun atmosphere you will be is a little more inspiration!!...