A thank you flower for putting up with my whining yesterday!
I decided who I am is someone who tries to trust and believe the best, and I found that it truly does do more good than being mistrustful. I KNOW there is a difference, and we must be wise and careful, but I cannot deny my nature. I got the MOST heartfelt response from the paper company lady today to my letter of concern. She described to me what she has been going through and apologized so very sweetly at the delay and lack of information. She vowed to do better, and gave me information that made me feel heartened! So, I suppose there was a lesson there...I must be myself...and be honest with people when I am concerned, and then be ready to jump in and help someone when I can! I'm hoping for the best out of this situation...and so I am humbled today.
How can anyone be sad when we see a sweet face like this!!
Or not laugh when seeing something like this!!
Some flowers for you all as a thank you!!
So, tomorrow it is back in the saddle...hopefully wiser, and hopefully still myself. I can't let the disappointments in life make me be someone I'm not...even if things don't go the greatest from time to time.
Goodness, Saundra!! You are one of the most cheerful and uplifting people I know so cut yourself some slack my friend. We all have a down day or two (or three) here or there. Love the photos of your kids (I think they are your kids...); they are gorgeous! Now? I have "Chances Are..." stuck in my head this morning...
HA...I know...I do too with the song stuck thing...thanks for the pass for the last few days!!
Hi Saundra,
Un petit tour à la campagne... Allez respirer les senteur du printemps. Emmagasinez de l'énergie, buvez du lait de chèvre. Soyez naturelle et heureuse. Excellent week-end à vous...
wow! I love those photos! Especially the sunrise!!
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