"A Moment in the Sun"
6" x 6"
mixed media on gallery wrap canvas with texture

This piece had a color scheme in mind...thus the large center which will satisfy that I believe...So nice to do a sunflower at the end of the summer!
I've been back photographing my acorn...it's brown now...the ONLY one the squirrels didn't get at...and that is saying a LOT as we have tons of scrub oak around my house...that's one FAT squirrel! But, had to share!
And, it is official...we finally put a bid on a house...so, the waiting game begins as we wait for the counter offer...it is definitely a diamond in the rough, but we look at it is a creative challenge...SO, along with my studio time will be time spent looking at flooring, appliances, drapery etc...FUN DOINS at the Galloway house!!
I think I've taken so many photos of the acorn I may have to paint it...but, the joyful thing is I can wake up and decide to paint anything I want! WOO HOO!!
Lovely sunflower, Saundra!! I have my acorn piece drawn (from the last acorn photo) but still need to lay down paint. That I hope to do today. Of course, I have granddaughter #3 and grandbaby #4 that is now 3 days late so who knows what will happen??? Of course, I also have to run out to my youngest daughter's new house (they are renting) as my current youngest granddaughter (she'll be 5 on the 22nd) said "I miss you, Mimi...When are you gonna come to our house?" I have to go. I miss all of them every day so I can't wait to see them today.
The sunflower is awesome as they always are when you paint them!
I'm so glad the house issue has a good possibility of being solved. That's a relief! You're having quite the year, aren't you? There's always big "doin's" at the Galloway house, it seems!
I do love your sunflowers. I love about them that their faces follow the sun. A good example for me, too.
Thanks girls...WOW Autumn Leaves...so many grands...I am swimming with just the one! HA...
You are right Elizabeth...but, just a secret...I'm ready for the DOINS at the Galloway house to be just paintin and small stuff! HA
Thanks for the thoughts on the painting...gotta do MORE! YEA!!
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