Well, as promised...the "failed" painting and some discussion. This up top is obviously a detail of the whole thing. I'm including a before and after pic of the painting in it's evolution...and some explanation. As you will see I modified the tree portion of the painting...hoping to bring a little more abstractive (is that even a WORD?) quality to something that, quite frankly, BORED me to death...the first version seen in the left hand side of the side by side pics was just OK...it was fair...but notice...several things bothered me that I had HOPED to help when I reworked the whole...#1...TOO MANY FOCAL AREAS COMPETING!...the mountains were strong...the trees covered a large area...and the orange contrasting with the purple in the mountains...yuck.they fought each other..and then ground...too much going on with what was going on up top... #2...not ENOUGH contrast to bring strength to anything but the mountains...but, come on...the trees were really SUPPOSED to be the focal...(this is due to a lack of true planning in the first place...so, I urge you to take the time if you are "creating" a scene or an abstract, or you too may run in to this problem...

#3...let's face it...squint...similar values...kinda the same as lack of contrast, but I'm so bugged that I let this happen I'm saying it in a different way....In the second version there is a SMIDGE more value change...but it is like a failed romance...too little, too late...sigh...
#4...really...just a too typical, predictable composition...NO TRUE EXCITEMENT...look at the negative spaces (if you can find them)...boring shapes...I TRIED to bring a little more interest in changing the tree line...but...no go...

I was inspired when I was at my grandson Paxton's dr visit one day by the artwork on the walls...I saw lots of circles and ovals and colors and, and, and...It was exciting...so that is where the inspiration for the oval shapes of tree tops came from...I even made a stamp, planning to bring some contrast and interest...as seen here...It was a good idea...and I will probably use it again somewhere...Here's why it didn't work in this piece...
There seem to be two opposing styles competing for attention within the one piece...so...the "lolypop" type tree tops with the stamp was FUN...but the mountains are a bit realistic and traditionalistic (another made up word)...and they just don't work together...
In short...opposing styles...similar values making it boring...bad composition...yuck...NOW, AM I depressed because I produced such a sorry piece of work...NOT AT ALL...just look at what I was reminded of...what I learned...the EXPERIENCE...very, very valuable...And, to share...makes it that much better...In fact, I'm sure you out there can critique it even more...I mean, there are a LOT of issues with this poor little guy! HA...I don't mind...in fact, it would help us ALL...we can learn from Saundra's little "failure" and go on happier and smarter!! YIPPEE!! So give me your criticisms...it is a good thing!! Now, on to a better painting!!
Happy Creating!!
Bonjour Saundra,
Heureuse de te retrouver...
Il n'y a pas d'échec, Il y a parfois des oeuvres qui nous donnent du fil à retordre... Chaque oeuvre ne peut pas être parfaite...
Les oeuvres considérées comme mauvaises ou moins bonnes nous aident à avancer.
J'aime toutefois toute ton analyse...
Je te fais de gros bisous.
(et un particulièrement à ton petit-fils!)
I'm catching up again! Gorgeous grandchild - and at least you're painting! Failures are good too - at least I think so. They teach you what not to do the next time (hopefully)
"There seem to be two opposing styles competing for attention within the one piece..."
This was the thing I noticed instantly and your subsequent words on the realism of the mountains competing with the abstract trees was the first thing I noticed. Still and yet, not an altogether failure, I don't think. I find it rather unique in this regard. Isn't that similar to surrealism?
I really liked your first version even more than the second. I think the only thing that I find a bit discomfiting somehow is the high contrast between the cool mountain/sky colors and the oh so warm autumnal colors in the trees.
And I have to go back again and say that I honestly do like it for its uniqueness! Nope. I wouldn't call this a failure, Saundra. The more I look at it, the very things I noticed are what make me keep going back to look again.
Vous remercier Martinealison ! Je consens. ..perhaps « échec » était le mauvais mot. ..but, nous apprenons, ou comme vous admirablement le mettez si a donné me télégraphie pour tordre ! Merci pour vos mots gentils de mon petit-fils ! Il fait grand ! Les grands baisers redressent de retour à vous ! !
Thank you Liz! I agree...
Autumn Leaves...HA...you are so very kind! I think, even though there are interesting qualities about this one...I have learned, and it hurts me not one second to sand it down and do something else with what I have learned!! I'm glad if we can all learn from these types of things!!
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