Today I deliver GORE RANGE LAYERS to the CORE GALLERY for a show. CORE is a gallery just off of Santa Fe in Denver. This show will run for a couple of weeks. If you are in the area I invite you to stop in! The show begins February 16, and will run for 3rd Friday on the 17th and 1st Friday and the Reception on March 2. Hope to see you there!!
If you have time to glance at my sidebar you will see I've added a few new things. I joined a fun new social media called PINTEREST. It is a place where you can "pin" photos of things that have meaning to you...AND, as soon as I read all the info there is a way to sell from there too...so, I invite you to click on the Pinterest link on my sidebar and take a look! I've included so far some paintings...of course...and have begun to add some of my favorite reference photos along with some other things. It is FUN and FREE!
I also decided to add FINE ART AMERICA back into the choices you can have for purchasing prints of my work. They do quality work. I've only just begun to add paintings to my store in FIA, so if you've been hankering for one of my pieces in print form but don't see it there yet, just e-mail me at art4life44@hotmail.com and I'll add it for you!
I'm still using ZAZZLE as you can also buy prints, but also mugs, t-shirts, well...all sorts of products with your favorite image, so if you are looking for prints you now have TWO choices. AND, as life has been so hectic there isn't much there yet either...but the same goes...don't see it...e-mail me and I'll put it in!!
AND, as if that isn't enough I've also JUST joined the DAILY PAINTWORKS on line gallery...but that is SO new I haven't set up my gallery yet...so, stay tuned!! This was started by Carol Marine and is family run...a great avenue for artists!!
TODAY is my little grandson Paxton's 6th month birthday. Time has gone so fast! It seems just like yesterday that I made that wild dash to Omaha in the middle of the night to get there in time to see him come into this world. He has made great strides...rolling over...eating yummy new foods that his mommy makes from scratch and has had his first day in Sunday School (with mom right there of course)...and we even NOW have the first family photo! YEA!
Paxton LOVES Sunday School (with mommy right there) :)
FUN DOINS in this family!! HAPPY CREATING!
I think I'm starting to see daddy in Paxton's face. He's getting so big! Our Oakley is now 4 months old and so beautiful. Your mask is coming along beautifully, Saundra. I can't wait to see it finished.
I see both mommy and daddy depending on what he is doing...HA...I bet your little one is gorgeous! I know you are enjoying having her in this world! I'm off to work on that mask!!
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