Today was week three of four painting with a local group here called the Painted Toe Society. Very interesting group of artists, very fun! This group is full, but occasionally a member leaves and they recruit someone to come in a sub for the missing person...this month it has been lucky me!
The room is very crowded, so I take small things to work on...these three were from today's creative venture.

This top piece is part of a workshop I am developing for HL that will involve paper casting and sewing and...hmmm...we shall see. The base is 6x6 gallery wrap canvas that I have coated with molding paste and then painted over in acrylic. I made a heart shape mold for paper casting, and when that is done and dry the fun will begin...Follow along as this piece unfolds...Who knows where it will go.
This next piece is a 12x4" gallery wrap canvas that highlights one of my handmade paper is in process of being played with...

And, last, but not least is a piece that was inspired by, get this...the back of my bathroom door. I've been pondering on it for months...At this time I believe it is the beginning of a small triptych if I want to follow some of the design that I've been looking at every time I take a long a luxurious bath...The gold you see is actual gold leaf...Of course...trees will be added later. I believe I will work the three backgrounds first and go from there. This 6x6 is a cradled will be the other two. Stay tuned for the completion of each of these pieces...

And...sorry to say I actually went BACKWARDS on followers...Sorry to loose whoever decided to take their leave...but looking forward to hearing from all of you who are hanging in there with me...and to those new brave souls who stop by and decide to stay awhile!
Happy Painting!
Some interesting pieces for the new year. Can't wait to see what you do with them.
Love the top two for sure, Saundra! Unfortunately, I am all caught up in trying to figure out how the back of your bathroom door has led to the third! LOL Can't wait to see what you do with that one! It is looking a tad royal currently. But then that is the room of the royal, is it not? LOLOLOL
Thanks girls for weighing in...don't worry Autumn know how things can change as I add stuff!! :)
An inspiring collection - I decided to join.
Awesome Dave! I hope you enjoy yourself when you stop by!
I love the top one already. I'll be waiting to see what happens.
Stay tuned Diana...I'm almost finished with the middle! ha
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