Today is exciting for me! First of all my most handsome son's portrait has been posted on Carol Nelson's blog. You have to click over to see her fauvist rendition of a photo I sent to her. It is AWESOME!! This is part of Carol's personal challenge to do 100 fauvist style portraits in 100 days. Plus it is her birthday to boot! If you have not visited her site please do so by clicking the link above!
Secondly I am finally ready to begin offering classes at a couple local Hobby Lobby stores here in town. I've been working hard on class descriptions and flyers and today is delivery day on some of that! I absolutely LOVE teaching and this will be a fun avenue for me!
Thirdly I am continuing with my exploration of this piece as a workshop idea for the future. My goal is to combine several of the things I do, one being a proper place for my paper casts beyond the ones I paint on...so...this little heart is still in process, but as PROCESS is part of what this blog is about I am posting it in it's various stages.
I first coated this 6x6 gallery wrap canvas with a good uneven coat of molding paste and then painted a bit...next I stamped it and now have created a heart mold and made a paper cast to add to it. My next thinking spot will be what to add that doesn't take away from what I've already done...I don't know if I will play with my wax as an adhesive agent in order to preserve the paper cast in a more interesting way...I'm also thinking of stitching by hand...perhaps adding a tiny embellishment...hmmm...the thinking part is FUN!
I hope you have felt a little inspired to try something new or play again...and as always...HAPPY PAINTING and welcome to my newest followers!
I'm lovin this one! Heading to Carol's blog now to see the portrait.
You are gonna LOVE it!! Thanks Diana for stopping by!!
I saw most handsome son's portrait. Carol did a really nice job on it. He looks the very vigorous person he is.
What fun to be getting ready to teach art. Those are lucky folks at the Hobby Lobby!
It is going to be FUN! Hopefully I can lure some students in!! And yes...Carol does a fantastic job on these!!
I think this is beginning to look even more interesting than it had initially, Saundra. The color palette is wonderful, the stamping and the heart paper caste has this evolving so beautifully. My first thought was that it would look great with embellishment, something to bring a third dimension to it. My head immediately went to metals of some sort, copper, brass, silver, gold...Too much might detract from the wonderful feel of it as it stands...But still...whatever you do I know will just be beautiful! I love hearing your thoughts in process too.
Thanks Autumn Leaves...I finished it last night...you had great ideas...tune in later today to see the end result!
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