Triptych in process...where it goes no body knows!! YEA!!
I've been able to do a bit on my triptych...It is coming a bit slow as I've totally changed my mind about the sky, so I'm in process of working on it. You can see a few layers of paper I have started to add on the left panel; which is the first one...I'm excited to see this unfold as I have NO IDEA as to where I will take it from here...but wanted to bring you along this little journey a few steps at a time!!
It was C O L D this morning up here in the mountains, and doubly so in the shade. I drove to a spot where there were some old dilapidated buildings and aspen hoping for some sun for shadows and hit the jackpot! Got tons of pics, but had a little added bonus of the doorways and windows along with the aspen. Thought I'd share a bit of that. Got a kick out of the keep out sign right there by some aspen...Like they could keep my minds eye out of there! HA. So, happy with my new reference material!!

Love that red in the windows...Gotta love that inspiration!!

My husband has had a dream for years of buying these buildings and turning them into a camp or something...I'm thinkin it will take a bit of work!! HA But, love that doorway for composition sake!!

Keep out my eye!! HA...(but I did take the pic from the outside of the fence...)
Checked out your new shop, great stuff. The doorway is beautiful.
Now you've done it, Saundra! We're all wondering where this luscious landscape is going... So, not only do you have to find out yourself, but any inspirational additions to one part will have to be reflected in the other two. Hope you can find the time to work on your W.I.P. pretty soon, now that you've got us watching...
I just love your sense of humor, Saundra. Have to admit that I love those buildings too! Alas, I am much more selfish and think that they would be great to own for the property alone and I'd probably try to turn them into my home! Love all the windows in the first photo! LOLOL Can't wait to see where that triptych goes, seeing how inspiration struck by observing your bathroom! teehee
Thank you Diana...Yep, I lucked into that doorway!
Charlene, I'm wondering too...ha...I've been playing...hope to finish today.
Autumn Leaves, I showed the pics to hubby dear and he began trying to figure how much work they would take
to rebuild! HA. I'm off to work on my triptych!
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