So, I have tried to paint my little kitty Shadow several times but can't get through it without tears...SO I decided that it may help me if I put this photo of her out there to you (my favorite one) of my little Shadow for you to paint for our challenge this summer if you feel drawn. Interpret her anyway you wish! NOW, the story behind Shadow.
I found Shadow in a shelter. I go now and then to visit and see who is there and as I walked by this little grey paw came out. She was just sitting there so pretty, and as long as I stood there she put her nose up to the bars...but the second I was about to leave her paw came out. Oh my goodness I couldn't resist gathering her out of that cage and visiting with her. She was one of those little snugglers and had the most delicate of purrs...So, of course there was no way I could leave her there, so I adopted her.
Shadow got her name quickly as the second I would put her down she would be right on my heels...and if I was still she would sit on my foot. When I napped she was right there, when I watched tv she was sitting right near my shoulder or in my lap...every time I went anywhere she was tagging right behind. There was no other name for her!! She got really sick when we first got her and she snuggled in bed with us as I was afraid she wouldn't make it.
I loved that little cat! One day she got out and was in the garage. My poor husband didn't know and left. When he returned he found her. She had apparently tried to run out but was so little she didn't kick off the sensors and didn't make it out. I called my husband one the way home and he sounded funny, but it wasn't until I came home that I found out she was gone. There are about 20 stairs from our garage to our house and as I pulled up I saw my husband at the top of the stairs; just standing there. As I got out of the car he just stood there. Now I have only seen my hubby cry twice in the 29 years I've known him so to see this strong man begin to cry hysterically as he came down the stairs was frightening. He just came right to me and hugged me and cried for about 5 minutes before he was able to tell me what had happened. Well, I saw that he was so distraught as he felt responsible and he had found her that I just couldn't grieve in front of him and make it worse for him.
I think that is why I got stuck. Of course I cried later, many times, but for some reason just never was able to get it out of my system. So, I've tried to paint her over the past 3 years, but it makes me cry so I stop...Silly I know...but I've never had a little animal I loved as much as I loved Shadow.
If there is anyone who feels like trying this one that would be awesome...and I will get around to it one of these days I'm sure...I just thought it might be great to see others try. I'm doing a little natural sculpture outside in memory of her...but I still want to paint her one day.
Oh Saundra, I'm crying as I read your story. I honestly believe that we have an animal soul mate somewhere in the universe and Shadow was yours. I had my Emma and you had Shadow. Keep her in your heart forever.
That kind of companionship is so special. I can see why it would be hard to paint Shadow!
Many people don't realize how furry family members weave themselves into the fabric of our soul. Deepest sympathies Saundra. Both you and your husband went through a very traumatic parting from Shadow and one cannot expect to heal from that overnight. Hugs!
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