Ok, I know the story yesterday was so SAD!! SO, today I thought it appropriate to interject a bit of humor and give anyone out there with a goofy sense of humor a new challenge photo for our summer contest! Yes, you got it...sheep behinds...The day I took this was just classic Saundra trying to get a good shot...We were at a ranch and all these sheep were standing by the fence with their faces looking through the slats. Somehow in the time it took for me to get my camera out and focused the owner had come and put some food in their bins and they all had turned around to eat...Well...I HAD to go home with a picture, BUTT (get it...:)) this is all I got! I've waited for years for a show that had some sort of theme where I could enter this...but alas...nothing about anything behind"ish"...SO, I'm presenting it to you and if anyone feels drawn to the sense of humor this would inspire please give it a try! Remember, any painting done and e-mailed to me from any of the photos I've posted will be entered into the contest. If you aren't already a follower, please sign up...and that is all it takes. A reminder...my e-mail is art4life44@hotmail.com
Happy Father's Day to all you men out there where it applies. Thank you for good naturedly being the "butt" of all the jokes out there about fathers and men! Without you we wouldn't have all the adorable and much loved children we have!! Or, if it applies...we wouldn't even be here! I am much blessed to still have my wonderful father...and a husband that is a wonderful father! Happy day to you all...and I hope I gave you a Happy Father's Day chuckle!
How cute are those little sheep butts! Been wanting to enter your contest but up to my eyeballs in grandkids, so very little studio time. We are having lots of fun though.
Diana, How fun to have the grandkids! I understand about being up to eyeballs...maybe you will get a second here and there...but no worries!
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