"G" -a Giraffe"
4"x4" oil on panel

"G" is just a simple but wise guy...can't you just see how he takes life as it comes and is happy either way? G is painted in oil on 4"x4" panel with black painted sides. He can be set on a little easel or framed as is in a 4"x4" frame, but note that some of his sides will be hidden in the frame. HOWEVER, if you request it, at no extra charge I will mount him for you on a black 5"x5" backer board so he can be framed in a 5"x5" frame so all his sides show! Just let me know when you order! The frame is not included, but just a suggestion as to how he will look framed with a little border around him. You can find frames like this at Michaels. "G" will be ready to ship on or about May 17, 2013 when he is dry!
OK...I'm having FUN painting my little ETSY paintings...and they sell so FAST...YAY on both counts...so, that's my newest ETSY offering. "Candice" the giraffe from my last post, sold this morning...thanks Corrine!
Today I hurridly finished a 2'x2' experimental painting just in the nic of time to enter it into a local show we have in town...I wasn't really happy with it...but, because I'd sent in the entry fee I went ahead and let it go to be entered. Actually my hubby kindly offered to deliver it as I had a meeting for the SUMMER ART MARKET. I stayed in town because I just didn't feel it was show worthy, and as I predicted I had to pick it up and bring it home. WHY am I telling you this? Well...it's a lesson to me...a life lesson, that, for some reason I need to keep learning. I'll explain...
I have been extra busy lately...setting up classes for my Lunch and Learn (a HUGE undertaking for each class; not only did I work to get the room ready, but I put together half day workshops for every offering I've put out there so far, gotten supplies,etc, etc...WHEW) , painting for ETSY, trying to keep paintings going for SAM next month, and the usual navagating through regular life; which for me is a lot from time to time...SOUND FAMILIAR any others out there? My situation isn't unique...we all have lots on our plates...BUT, I did have a lesson AGAIN, NOT to paint for a show!! Well, I didn't actually PAINT FOR THIS PARTICULAR SHOW, but I did push myself to paint to get one finished to ENTER into this show. When ever we push ourselves beyond that normal push to get better, we tend to rush, to make quick decisions that may not be right for our work...JUST to make a deadline...NO, NO, NO!! Don't do it!! There will always be another show...there will always be another chance to put yourself out there...Take care of your talent...take care of your instincts, take care of what you know is right for your work...the rest will come!! WHEW...I THINK I've learned this time...well, I hope so!! And, PS on this topic...not every show is for you!! That is my mini lesson. This particular show is usually for those uber realistic artists MOSTLY...my work is TOTALLY different from anything that ever gets entered...It just isn't the show for me...LEARNED this time!!
What did I do when I got home? I took gesso and wiped out the entire painting. I didn't try to "fix" it anymore...it wasn't working...and folks...SOME PAINTINGS JUST AREN'T GOING TO WORK...so let them go...learn, and move on QUICKLY! Don't fret over a painting that has turned into a lesson...keep those inspirational fires burning...And you know what...I'm already excited about my new idea for the NEW painting...WHEW! Onward and UPWARD!!