It is time to finish my list of those I wanted to pass the sunshine blogger award. The last three...but not the least. Here is a reminder of the rules...BUT FIRST...a comment. I have been SO happy to receive the awards I have in the past 13 months. It means people are reading...it means, even if an award comes to them and they are wildly busy, they take a moment to list a few other notable (at least to them) blogger artists out there whom they read, and want you to take a look at! THAT IS AWESOME! I've found a few artists to follow and be inspired by and make "friends" with through these types of awards. I KNOW it takes time to send these awards along...and it is OK if you are too busy to do the same...REALLY IT IS!! We all have lives that are busy and crazy at times...so we all understand!! So, I've been thinking that in the future if I am lucky enough to receive an award, I may just say thank you...and let it be at that if my life is too busy...but I think for me I will continue to note blogger artists on my blog here and there and send you over for no other reason but that I found them fascinating and wanted to share!
Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
Link the nominees within your post.
Let the nominees know they received this award.
Link to the person from whom you received this award.
Vicki Shuck is an artist I've followed for a long time. I love her oils...her figures and her landsapes. She also experiments!! Currently it is with watercolor. If you haven't seen Vicki's blog please take a minute to hop over to see her wonderfully expressive works! WHAT THE DAY BRINGS.
An artist I began following not too long ago is Suzanne McLean. Her acrylic works are very inspiring and wonderful. I still adore acrylic work, and I know you can work on it like oils for about a minute...and for Suzanne's blog you can see she accomplishes it! NOT THAT IT ISN"T GOOD UNLESS IT LOOKS LIKE AN OIL...whew I HAD to say it!! HA. Take a moment to visit Suzanne's Gallery of Dreams!
And last, but NOT LEAST I invite you to visit Char Davis. Her blog is titled My Daily Journey and you will have a feast for the eye! Char is another artist (A COLORADO ARTIST TO BOOT) who works in different media and does each very well. I enjoy clicking over because no matter what day it is...she has done something I like to gaze at!
HAPPY MONDAY CREATING!...and PS...we are only three followers away from the next blog give-away! YEA!! Welcome to those newest followers who have joined us of late!!
I just love the colors, Saundra. Can't wait to see what you end up with both of these pieces!
Whatever it will be they will be together!! Thank you, as always Autumn Leaves!!
Thank you so much for the Sunshine Award, Saundra. Such a wonderful surprise!
Always love to see what you're up to. Here's to experimentation!
Right back your way Suzanne! It was a fun bit of time visiting your site!!
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