"Rebirth" © Saundra Lane Galloway Fine Art
6x9" mixed media under wax
Comming soon to my website and ETSY site!
I had a few extra moments to catch myself up on my bird portraits and decided to go with a photograph Autumn Leaves sent to me of her parrot. What a bright little piece this turned out to be. "Sherry's Parrot" is created on a 6x6" cradled panel that I added texture to with molding paste before I painted her/him?? (Sherry??) in oil. He/she came out ok...but I'm noticing I'm fighting myself thinking like an acrylic painter...which is ok if I'm painting in acrylics!! HA...
I have been so lucky to have had my friend Carol Nelson include BOTH my children in her 100 portraits challenge...I JUST had to include them here...again...LOVE THEM BOTH!!

I've been thinking of my children a lot lately...even more than normal...I think I miss them both...When I think of them...my very first thoughts are of them as little ones...Who couldn't love this pair!!
And...before I go I had to share my latest little visitor...our little black squirrel. We don't see him very often, so I grabbed my camera the minute I saw him chomping on the leftover seeds from our birds...by the way...it was a real bird convention today! HA.
hi saundra...rebirth is perfect!!!
and I love the vibrant colours of the parrot....very cheery!!!!
your "kid" portraits are great..I'm glad you posted them too....she's talented, eh!
Thanks Carmelina...Rebirth was FUN...the parrot was happy...and my kids are wonderful...and YES...Carol is one of THE most talented people I know!!
I thought I recognized my Sunny right away! LOL We don't know if it was a male or female, Saundra. Apparently the only way to be certain is through surgery (or anaesthesia so the vets can check). I did, however, always think of him as a 'he'. And I must say you've done his portrait proud!! I love the "Rebirth" painting...the color of spring and new leaves and buds, the butterfly emerging from a chrysalis...all signs of rebirth. Beautiful!
What a cheerful post, Saundra! New life seemed to be the theme of your butterfly piece; I'm glad you liked the title.
Fun to see your friend, the black squirrel. I have seen one only rarely!
Absolutely perfect title for this great piece Saundra! And AL's parrot is just the best. What a great post - those Carol Nelson portraits are very special and love the squirrel and birds. Oh just love the whole post!
Thanks for the photo of Sunny Sherry! It was a quick, colorful, fun painting to do...perfect for the day! And, good things are happening because of these paper casts...stay tuned!!
Elizabeth, Just love the title you gave...it FITS! YEA! I love seeing the squirrel...but he looks like a vampire squirrel to me...spooky, HA.
Thanks Liz! So glad you stop by...if it was in person we'd have tea and laugh a lot!!
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